What i want to do
■ Expressing destruction and shape deformation
If I want to make a gladiator game again, I would like it to dent if I hit my armor or helmet with a mace. I also want the chain mail to be partially broken and the shield broken.
In the case of car racing games, it has continued to evolve since the expression of destruction was expressed in "Destruction Derby".
There are still few human battle games in pursuit of destructive expression. (Maybe I just don't know)
In FPS and TPS games, body part defects are often used as an expression of "death". Some sexual games can be undressed by damage, but that's not what I want to do.
However, I would like to express that "I keep fighting and I'm still alive even if I get hurt."
■Third Person Close Quarters Combat
I loved fighting with Mirelurk in "FALLOUT3". Looking at the movements of the opponent, I enjoyed the feeling of doing high damage aiming at the weak point that was slightly visible through the gap in the shell. Naturally the battle expression of "DEAD SPACE" is also my preference.
I was disappointed that the expression of the satb attack on "Infinity Blade" was too simple.
The “deep down” action with a spear may be close to my preference.
When I developed Gladiator's game, I made a battle system that chooses where to attack.
I thought "Where do you want to attack by looking at the situation of the other party," and wanted to realize an experience that can realize it. I want players to have the illusion that they are doing complex battles in real time.
I don't need a game that uses a combination of buttons to attack.
I want to make a game that deeply and deeply pursues character movement.
In fighting games, the camera is close to the character and the movement of the character can be shown attractively.
However, in order to intuitively convey the distance to the opponent, the camera will be placed next to the two characters.
I want to find out if there is a way to express the attractive battle action of a character other than this method.